"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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At Blackmoor Park Junior School, we believe that all children are entitled to an education which meets all their individual needs, delivered in an inclusive community where inclusive policies underpin and promote inclusive practice.


We believe that all our children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated where necessary to meet their individual needs, and that those needs are best met alongside their peers. Some of our children may be assessed as having special educational needs either throughout, or at any time during, their school career. These children may need a degree of extra help either on a short-term basis or to address more long-standing needs.


We believe that the most effective way of supporting and addressing special educational needs is to form close links between home and school. By working collectively and collaboratively, in partnership, we can ensure early identification of (and graduated and robust response to) the SEN needs of our pupils.

SEND support for parents and carers
