"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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Why should we learn RE?

Learning about other religions and cultures is an integral part of our children’s education at Blackmoor Park Junior School. We are fortunate to belong to a school community that welcomes children and families from many different and diverse cultures and backgrounds, and we believe that learning about each other’s faiths and traditions - the connections between these faiths and their impact on the wider society - is the foundation of our RE curriculum.


At Blackmoor Park Junior School we believe RE is at the centre of our ethos and it makes a strong contribution to the education of each child by encouraging them to develop skills in critical thinking and analysis, as well as developing empathy, sensitivity and understanding through positive, discussion based learning. Children’s critical thinking skills will develop, their motivation to learn increased, and their knowledge and understanding of, and empathy with people and their beliefs (religious or otherwise) will be enhanced.


In Blackmoor Park Junior school we follow the ‘Golden Rule’ and children are encouraged to follow a rule which collectively all the main world religions have in common, to live by the rule ‘treat others how you wish to be treated’


How will it help children in later life?

Children are taught respect and tolerance as an imperative prerequisite to learning RE because of our varied demographic of children. This is reflected through the outstanding behaviour of the children in our school, their positive relationships with one another, their attitudes towards differences, and the responsibility they willingly undertake to support their peers - and the example they set to younger children.


We enable children to deepen or realise their own beliefs, and respect the freedom of other people to hold beliefs different from their own. Our children are cared for and nurtured spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally…. a school with high expectations for all and where all are valued as individuals.


What can children expect in RE at Blackmoor Park Junior school?

In RE, the children learn about different faiths including; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Our program of work is investigative and enquiry based and children are encouraged to ask questions, offer opinions and make connections with their own lives and the lives of others. The children are taught RE in an exciting and creative way. Discussion, writing, art, drama, visits, handling artefacts and ICT are some of the practices of teaching used.


Children will be participating in visits which allow them to experience and explore and learn from different places of worship and religions.


What can parents expect?

Help children understand and appreciate children’s awareness and understanding of different cultures and religions.

Ask questions and create discussion.

Value your child’s thoughts and opinions.


Parental entitlement to withdraw.

In Blackmoor Park Junior School is recognised that parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education – in its entirety or in part. If this situation arises, the parents concerned should consult the Headteacher to discuss necessary arrangements


How we teach

All children will be taught R.E. topics following the Liverpool Agreed Syllabus which is built on the National Curriculum (2014) statutory requirements. We have linked our topics according to the texts studied in English. Classes will get the opportunity to explore places of worship and artefacts by religious visits.



We are a member of NATRE which is the subject teacher association for RE professionals. It works to support those who teach and lead in all schools and institutions and at all stages of their career.



Differentiation is key to delivering an effective and inclusive curriculum.   All pupils' starting points are considered and activities and work is matched to ensure pupils reach their full potential, whilst supporting the child's learning.  Adult support, a range of activities, equipment and resources can enable children of all abilities to access learning. 


Our school will ensure that:


  • all children have entitlement to a broad and balanced, enriching curriculum
  • all children enjoy an active involvement in Religious Education
  • all children have opportunities to experience a broad and balanced range of RE activities
  • all children have opportunities to learn about RE from different times and cultures
  • all children will be given equal access to the experience of RE regardless of their gender, race, disability, medical or other needs
  • teachers use a variety of approaches that are matched to the activity and the ability of the children