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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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'We are Mathematicians'


“Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes.” – Mickey Mouse

Why should we learn about Mathematics?


True beauty can be found in mathematics - whenever you look at a sunflower that’s an example of the Fibonacci sequence.

As the children point out in their Maths diaries; Maths is all around us at all times.

Splitting the bill at a restaurant, calculating which offer in a shop is the best deal and scaling up the recipe for a cake all require effective maths skills. Children who are able to use mathematical reasoning are able to solve real life problems and are therefore much more independent and successful individuals.


How will it help children in later life?


Maths is used in every aspect of our lives and it’s essential that children understand how relevant it is to their own future. Maths helps us to do all of our daily tasks with ease and handle problems more efficiently. Maths develops logical thinking and allows us to see situations with a more logical approach, thus helping the children make better decisions! Having better mathematical skills opens up so many more opportunities for children. When looking to the future, maths is used in every single career - for example jobs such as painting requires maths to work out how much paint is needed.


What can children expect in Maths at BPJS


  • Fun and lively lessons
  • Building skills that they can use at home such as weighing flour for baking or knowing how long it is until bed time
  • Competitions between year groups, classes and individuals
  • Rewards and certificates for using maths outside of school
  • Practical lessons that get them up and moving
  • Puzzles and questions that make them think
  • Carefully planned sequences of lessons that secure learning and provide children with a deep understanding
  • Challenges that build confidence and resilience



What can parents expect?


  • Helping children to learn times tables
  • Help design and complete a page in their class Maths diary
  • Help make sure that children can tell the time on both analogue and digital clock
  • Let your child pay at the till and try and predict the change that will be given
  • Ask children to round up prices to the nearest pound and estimate the cost of shopping
  • Cook and bake with children so that they understand mass and capacity
  • Help children with puzzles that make them think and reason
  • Log into Mathletics and Rock Star Times Tables


How we teach Mathematics


Our BPJS Mathematics Curriculum encompasses the National Curriculum (2014) statutory requirements. We are implementing the use of “Maths Mastery” approaches to support our learning and will continue to work with Maths Hubs on the mastery approach to maths. The Maths Mastery scheme is informed by robust international research and resources are written by selected maths experts within their field.

Maths mastery is an approach to mathematics education which is based on mastery learning in which most students are expected to achieve a high level of competence before progressing. This ensures that there is a deep level of understanding and builds confidence and resilience. Children use a large range of visuals and manipulatives to support their learning and support their understanding of concepts. Whilst enjoying exciting maths lessons the children become reflective thinkers who are able to reason which will support them across the curriculum.




Differentiation is key to delivering an effective and inclusive curriculum.   All pupils' starting points are considered and activities and work is matched to ensure pupils reach their full potential, whilst supporting the child's learning.  Adult support, a range of activities, equipment and resources can enable children of all abilities to access learning. 


Our school will ensure that:


  • all children have entitlement to a broad and balanced, enriching curriculum
  • all children enjoy an active involvement in Mathematics
  • all children have opportunities to experience a broad and balanced range of maths activities
  • all children have opportunities to learn about maths from different times and cultures
  • all children will be given equal access to the experience of Mathematics regardless of their gender, race, disability, medical or other needs
  • teachers use a variety of approaches that are matched to the activity and the ability of the children.


