BPJS Motto:
‘Learning together’
BPJS Vision: ‘Be the best that I can be’
- To grow ambitious, self-motivated and successful learners.
- To develop learners who are resilient, achieve their potential and grow into caring, responsible and open minded citizens prepared for life beyond the classroom
Mission Statement
To encourage a lifelong enjoyment of learning leading to personal growth and fulfillment in such a way that:
- Everyone is valued and supported
- Partnerships are fostered
- Teamwork is promoted
- Expectations are raised
- Confidence is developed
- Individuals work towards achieving their full potential for themselves and the wider community
BPJS Aims:
- For our school to be a welcoming, safe and happy place where children celebrate and respect the background, culture and beliefs of themselves and others.
- To have high expectations and aspirations for our children.
- To offer a broad and rich curriculum which fosters ambition and develops creativity, enquiring minds, a knowledge of the world, and an appreciation of of arts, culture and sports.
- To uphold excellent attitudes to learning and behaviour
- To encourage children to develop our core values
- To encourage children to take pride in their pursuits and celebrate their achievements.
- For our school to be an integral part of the community and with the help of parents/ carers, we strive to develop the inclusion and support of tour wider community to benefit our children and families.
Core Values
Working in partnership with our school community, we are determined to develop the following values in our children: Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief and Enjoyment (R.A.I.S.E)
Our Curriculum Drivers
- Ambition
- Knowledge of the World
- Creativity
- Arts, culture and sports
- Enquiry
Equal opportunities
We regard all children as mathematicians, scientists, artists, musicians, authors, poets, gymnasts and linguists; therefore we provide an education that promotes high standards and excellence for all members of our school community.
We have a firm commitment to the promotion of equal opportunities in this school and are constantly reflecting on our own practice to ensure that we:
- Offer all pupils a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriate to their individual needs.
- Encourage pupils to adopt a respectful and open-minded attitude to others.
- We do not tolerate any behaviour that intends to lower the self-esteem of another person or group of people.
- Are committed to equality of opportunity for all children to access arts and cultural experiences.
As part of our commitment to offering children a rich and broad range of arts and culture experiences, we strive to ensure that the Artsmark seven Quality Principles are reflected in our arts and culture provision.
The seven Quality Principles are:
1. Striving for excellence and innovation
2. Offering real, authentic experiences
3. Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
4. Ensuring positive and inclusive experiences
5. Actively involving children
6. Enabling personal progression
7. Developing belonging and ownership