"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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        Assessing progress and achievement


                  PLAN -   DO -   REVIEW



We are continuously assessing children; how they have applied themselves to a task and what their outcomes are.  This helps us to plan what happens next.  Learning is not just about curriculum coverage – we look at the whole child.  We find out what interests and motivates them to engage them in their learning; we find out if there are any gaps or misconceptions in their learning and we work towards filling them.


We use a range of ways to assess.  On the spot assessments, through marking and feedback during and after a lesson and following units of work.  We track progress and achievement over each term and use this information to raise achievement of whole cohorts.


Senior leaders, Governors and other stakeholders scrutinise our assessments for quality assurance.


Children are provided with daily feedback in lessons and, comments in their work through marking.  Parents are invited to attend at least 2 parent teacher learning reviews and also receive an annual written report.
