"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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What is Artsmark?

Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England. Artsmark is awarded in recognition of a school’s commitment to arts and cultural education. 


'Cultural education gives children and young people the opportunity to develop their creativity, both individually and collectively, and that's why our goal is for every child and young person to have the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts.'   

Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England.


What do we mean by ‘the Arts’?

The Arts includes dance, drama, visual arts, cultural heritage and music.


Our Artsmark Journey

We began by auditing our provision: identifying opportunities to experience arts and culture which we already had in place and then identifying areas for development. We are delighted to have increased the range and frequency of arts and culture experiences for our children in recent years and we know the children are delighted too! We were thrilled to receive the award of Artsmark Gold in 2022!


Below, you will find links to examples of some of the children's work and some of the enrichment activities they have enjoyed during our Artsmark Journey!


Mr Metz

Artsmark Lead
