By Living Together, Learning Together and Playing Together, We Will All Achieve
Home Page
By Living Together, Learning Together and Playing Together, We Will All Achieve
Home Page


Welcome to 6N's class page smiley


I hope you're all raring to go for our next half term! 


Check here for any messages or information you may need for school throughout the course of the year.


We have PE on a Monday. Please ensure that the children come to school wearing their PE kit and appropriate footwear, with long hair tied back.


Homework for Maths and English is handed out on a Friday and is due in on the following Friday.


Spellings for English are handed out on a Monday and tested on the Friday. Spellings should be brought into school every day.


Reading books should be read throughout the week, and records should be signed by an adult at least three times a week. Reading books and records must be brought into school everyday, regardless of whether the book needs to be changed. We encourage children to read as much as possible at home and appreciate your support in enabling this.


Please encourage your child to revise their maths skills on Mathletics, and times tables on Times Table Rockstars. An app is available on both iPads and tablets. 


Thank you.


Miss Nazmine smiley
