"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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"Respect, Aspiration, Inclusion, Self-belief, Enjoyment"
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Welcome to 4D's class page


Welcome back to a busy half term! We have a lot to do, including reading Pugs of the Frozen North and learning about Nordic countries.


Things to remember-


PE is on a Tuesday so come in your kit. Please make sure all your clothes are labelled. You know how good some of us are at losing things! We will be outdoors for tag rugby and indoors for circuit training so you will need pumps as well as trainers.


Homework is spelling, reading and times table practice. Spellings and tables will be given out on a Friday and tested on the next Friday. Remember your spelling log! By the end of Year 4 you should know ALL your x tables and be able to use rapid recall. Some websites for practising are below.


Please remember to read regularly at home, and bring your reading book in every day if possible.  Reading records MUST be brought in on a Tuesday, even if you haven't finished reading your book, so that Ms.Riley can check you have been reading at least 3 times to an adult. If children are reading their own books this can also be recorded in the reading record but this must be IN ADDITION to the school reading book, not instead of. We are very pleased with the reading progress that you are all making!


Remember to go on Mathletics regularly to develop your maths skills. Your group, and you, will get certificates for your progress!


Here's some websites you could look at

App to download- DK 10 minute tables



Why not try some of these websites too, or look in the curriculum area of our website.....

